Monday, October 13, 2008


Technologies as link to new knowledge, resources and high order thinking skills have entered classrooms and schools worldwide. Personal computers, CD-ROMS, on line services, the World Wide Web and other innovative technologies have enriched curricula and have altered the types of teaching available in the classroom. Schools’ access to technology is increasing steadily everyday and most of these newer technologies are now used even in traditional classrooms (Bilbao et al., 2006).
The use of technology in the classroom has never been underscored but now. However, survey data like that of Smith (1996); Harper (2001); and Lesh and Doerr (2000), suggest that technology remains poorly integrated into schools, despite massive acquisition of hardware. Some recent observations such as of Norton (1996); Cole (2002); and Posey (2001) indicate that the most frequent use of computers is for drill-and-skill practice that supplement existing curricula and instructional practices.
Some thirty years or more ago, the dominant model of teaching was directed instruction or lecture in which students memorize facts. Because of its limitations educationists began exploring the use of technology that supports models of teaching that emphasize learning with understanding and more active involvement. Thus a decision to use technology that is beyond facts-based, memorization-oriented curricula to curricula in which learning with understanding are emphasized was embraced. When to use technology, what technology to use, and for what purpose cannot be isolated from theories of teaching and learning that support learning with understanding (Bilbao et al., 2006).
On the other hand, (Goldman cited in Bilbao, 2006) states that there are some roles of technology in achieving the goal of learning with understanding such as: (a) technology provides support to the solution of meaningful problems; (b) technology acts as cognitive support; and (c) technology promotes collaboration as well as independent learning.
Calculators and other technological tools, such as computer algebra systems, interactive geometry software, applets, spreadsheets, and interactive presentation devices, are vital components of a high-quality mathematics education. With guidance from effective mathematics teachers, students at different levels can use these tools to support and extend mathematical reasoning and sense making, gain access to mathematical content and problem-solving contexts, and enhance computational fluency. In a well-articulated mathematics program, students can use these tools for computation, construction, and representation as they explore problems. The use of technology also contributes to mathematical reflection, problem identification, and decision making (Cole et al., 2002).
However, there are some arguments that the use of technology cannot replace conceptual understanding, computational fluency, or problem-solving skills. In a balanced mathematics program, the strategic use of technology enhances mathematics teaching and learning. Teachers must be knowledgeable decision makers in determining when and how their students can use technology most effectively. All schools and mathematics programs should provide students and teachers with access to instructional technology, including appropriate calculators, computers with mathematical software, Internet connectivity, handheld data-collection devices, and sensing probes. Curricula and courses of study should incorporate instructional technology in learning outcomes, lesson plans, and assessments of students’ progress.
As a student of Mathematics, the researcher observed that the use of modern technology gadgets like computer and scientific calculator was employed and widely used among students. However, these observations made the researcher work on the effectiveness of the utilization of the said gadgets in learning mathematics. The traditional chalk and board are the technology used by the students and teachers in public schools and yet their level of understanding and learning Mathematics is not far behind from the level of the private school students who use modern technology gadgets in learning mathematics.
Which then is more useful: the modern – technology – aided Mathematics instructions or the traditional chalk and board method? What teaching strategies work for effective Mathematics learning? Does the use of computers and scientific calculators really help students?
These questions were examined in this study. In this research, the perceived effects of the utilization of modern technology gadgets in learning mathematics was analyzed for the attempt of providing concrete explanations of the effects of utilization of modern technology gadgets in learning mathematics.
Conceptual Framework
It is commonly observed that teaching strategies defined as the organized, orderly, and logical procedure in imparting knowledge and information among pupils or students (Zulueta, 2006), affect the learning of students. This somehow is true based on the researchers’ experience where he learned more with teachers who utilize varied teaching strategies that suit his needs in learning mathematics. Nowadays, the utilization of modern technology gadgets such as computer and scientific calculator seems to have a great effect on students’ learning.
Scientific calculator is an electronic calculator that has provisions for handling exponential, trigonometric, and sometimes other special functions in addition to performing arithmetic operations. On the other hand, computer is also an electronic devise design to manipulate data so that useful information can be generated (Cole et al., 2002).
To find out if these gadgets affect students’ learning, this study tried to trace the frequency of the use in varied teaching strategies. The assumption of the researcher was that, the frequency of using computer and scientific calculator in teaching, does not affect the learning of students.
This study started with determining the teaching strategy that used modern technology gadgets such as computer and scientific calculator. After determining these teaching strategies, the frequency of their use was identified. When the frequency of its utilization was identified. Their effects in learning mathematics were examined. This was done by relating it to its frequency.
The design of this conceptual model was an original work of the researcher and is not found in any book. This best suited the manner of analyzing the statement of the problem.
The concepts were made simple in the conceptual model on next page.

Teaching Strategies
Using Modern
Scientific Calculator

Frequency of
Modern Technology

Effects of Using Modern
Technology Gadgets
In Learning

Figure 1. Conceptual Model of the Study
Statement of the Problem

The primary purpose of this study was to determine the perceived effects of the utilization of modern technology gadgets such as computers and scientific calculators in learning mathematics. It involved fourth year high school students of First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities enrolled in Academic Year 2008 – 2009.
Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:
In what teaching strategies does the teacher utilize modern technology gadgets?
How often are these modern technology gadgets used?
How does the use of modern technology gadgets affect the respondents learning?
What are the perceived effects of using modern technology gadgets in learning mathematics?
Is there a significant relationship between the frequency of the utilization of modern technology gadgets and learning of mathematics?
The study was guided by the null hypothesis:
There is no significant relationship between the frequency of the utilization of modern technology gadgets in the effective learning of mathematics
Significance of the Study
This research study would be useful to the following:
To the teachers, it would help them identify the teaching strategies suited to the needs of their students. The findings of this research would offer them understanding on how to utilize modern technology gadgets to appropriately address students learning style in mathematics.
To the parents, the result of this study would help them encourage their children to be keen on the varied styles of learning.
To the students, it would help them determine their preferred teaching strategies as well as the use of modern technology gadgets in learning.
To the Mathematics Heads, this study would help them identify the needs of the students with regard to the utilization of modern technology gadgets in the learning Mathematics.
Finally, this research would serve as reference material to other students and future researchers who will be interested to work on similar topic.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
This study aimed to determine the perceived effects of the utilization of modern technology gadgets in learning mathematics. It involved one hundred two (102) fourth year high school students of First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities enrolled in the Academic Year 2008 – 2009. They were chosen as respondents because it is the year level when Trigonometry is taken up which require the use of calculator in solving trigonometric functions.
This research aimed to point out the use of modern technology gadgets such as computer and scientific calculator. Computers are observed to be usually used in presenting the lesson, in research and video presentations. Similarly, scientific calculators are utilized in solving large numbers, factoring and games.
The teaching strategies made by the teacher were also analyzed because the researcher assumed that the teachers’ teaching strategies play important roles in students’ learning. This study further analyzed the frequency of using computers and calculators in teaching were believed to affect the respondents learning. This study also attempted to find the significant relationship between the frequency of the utilization of modern technology gadgets in the effective learning of mathematics.
This study only examined the use of two modern technology gadgets – computer and scientific calculator in learning mathematics. It did not cover any other types of gadgets like graphing calculator and projector.
The researcher used a validated, self-constructed questionnaire as an instrument in measuring responses of the respondents based on their perception about the effects of modern technology gadgets in their learning in mathematics.
Definition of Terms
The following terms were conceptually and operationally defined so as to give clearer understanding of some concepts used in the present study.
Analogy. It is a strategy that can be utilized in promoting comprehension and reasoning among students (Gagne, 1985). In this study, it is the strategy wherein the student will find out the pattern of the particular problem or how he/she will reason it out.
Computers. It is an electronic devise designed to manipulate data so that useful information can be generated (Cole et al., 2002). In this study, computer is used as one of the modern technology teaching gadgets used by the teacher in teaching mathematics.
Cooperative Learning. It is an instructional paradigm in which teams of students work on structured tasks (e.g., homework assignments, laboratory experiments, or design projects) under conditions that meet five criteria: positive interdependence, individual accountability, face-to-face interaction, appropriate use of collaborative skills, and regular self-assessment of team functioning (Johnson, Johnson, and Smith cited in Zulueta , 2006). In this study, it deals with the kind of group work wherein the students seek involvement and cooperation with one another.
Discovery Learning. It consists of instruction in which the learners draw their own conclusions from information they were able to glean by themselves as provided by their teachers or others (Clark and Starr cited in Zulueta , 2006). In this study, it is used as the students will discover for themselves the particular topic presented to them.
Discussion. This method allows for interaction between the teacher and the students as well as among themselves (Salandanan et al., 1996). In this study, it is one of the strategies where the students will have interaction between their teachers or among themselves.
Graphic Organizers. It is a collective group of strategies that provide visual representations as a means of organizing and presenting information. They make visible the thinking of the students. They help students represent abstract concepts and ideas in concrete forms. They display the relationships between pieces of information, connect new learning to prior learning and generally organize information into a more useful form (Salandanan et al., 1996). In this study, it refers to the visual materials used by the mathematics teacher.
Guided Discovery. It is the process that teachers used to introduce new materials, explore centers or areas of the classroom, and prepare students for various aspects of the curriculum (Salandanan et al., 1996). In this study, it is the teacher who is acting as a facilitator of learning and guiding his students in learning mathematical problem.
Lecture. It is a teaching procedure of classifying or explaining a major idea cast in the form of question or a problem (Bossing cited in Zulueta , 2006). In this study, it is the teacher’s teaching strategy when he is providing the students all the needed information without interaction at all.
Mathematics. It is the study of quantities and relations through the use of numbers and symbols (Norton et al., 1996). In this study, it is the subject or course that the researchers worked on.
Model-Making. It is a strategy that teachers can use in teaching application (Eby and Kujawa cited in Zulueta , 2006). In this study, it refers to the strategy wherein the students make a model for them to visualize the given worded problem.
Power point. A computer based media presentation using slideshow (Cole et al., 2002). In this study, it is one of the computer software that is used by the teacher in presenting the lesson.
Reasoning It is the cognitive process of looking for reasons for beliefs, conclusions, actions or feelings (Kirwin cited in de Leon, 2000). In this study, it refers to how the students reason out their feelings for something.
Research. It is defined as human activity based on intellectual application in the investigation of matter. The primary aim for applied research is discovering, interpreting, and the development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe (Trochim, 2006). In this study, it refers to the teaching strategy that helps the students develop their students’ thinking, reasoning and research skills.
School. It is an educational institution, private and public, undertaking educational operation with specific age-group of pupils or students pursuing defined studies at defined levels, receiving instruction from teachers, usually located in a building or a group of buildings in a particular physical or cyber site (Oreta, 2001). In this study, it refers to First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities Unified School where the respondents are currently enrolled.
Scientific Calculators. It is a type of electronic calculator, usually but not always handheld, designed to calculate problems in science (especially physics), engineering, and mathematics. They have almost completely replaced slide rules in almost all traditional applications, and are widely used in both education and professional settings (Cole et al., 2002). In this study, it is one of the teaching gadgets used by the teacher and also the students for them to be guided for finding the accurate answer.
Students. It refers to those who enrolled in and who regularly attend an educational institution of secondary or higher level or a person engaged in formal study (Salandanan et al., 1996). In this study, it refers to the Fourth Year students of First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities Unified School enrolled in Academic Year 2008 – 2009.
Teachers. They are the key-learning person who is responsible for supervising/ facilitating the learning processes and activities of the students (Oreta, 2001). In this study, it refers to all concerned mathematics teacher of First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities.
Teaching Strategies. It refers to the organized, orderly, and logical procedure in imparting knowledge and information among pupils or students (Zulueta, 2006). In this study, it refers to the strategies used by the teacher in presenting or delivering the topic.
Technology. It refers to how we apply science slideshow (Cole et al., 2002). In this study, it refers to computer and scientific calculator as means of teaching and learning lessons in Mathematics quickly.
Trigonometry. It is a branch of mathematics that combines arithmetic, algebra and geometry (Frere cited in de Leon, 2000). In this study, it refers to the subject that requires the use of modern technology gadgets.

This chapter presents a review of existing and available literature as well as related studies on the perceived effects of utilization of modern technology gadgets in learning mathematics of fourth year high school students. Only those studies that showed certain aspects of relationship with the present study were selected and their findings were discussed. Its last part is a synthesis of all the reviewed literature.
Conceptual Literature
Definition and Use of Technology in Mathematics. The definition and use of technology in mathematics education is constantly evolving. Technology may refer to the use of graphing calculators, student response systems, online laboratories, simulations and visualizations, mathematical software, spreadsheets, multimedia, computers or the Internet, and other innovations yet to be discovered (Cole, 2002).
Technology can be used to learn mathematics, to do mathematics, and to communicate mathematical information and ideas. The Internet hosts a wealth of mathematical materials that are easily accessible through the use of search engines, creating additional avenues to enhance teaching and facilitate learning. Outside of class, students and faculty can pose problems and offer solutions through e-mail, chat rooms, or websites. Technology provides opportunities for educators to develop and nurture learning communities, embrace collaboration, provide community-based learning, and address diverse learning styles of students and teaching styles of teachers (NCTM, 2000).
The integration of appropriately used technology can enhance student understanding of mathematics through pattern recognition, connections, and dynamic visualizations. Electronic teaching activities can attract attention to the mathematics to be learned and promote the use of multiple methods. Learning can be enhanced with electronic questioning that engages students with technology in small groups and facilitates skills development through guided-discovery exercise sets. Using electronic devices for communication, all students can answer mathematics questions posed in class and instructors can have an instantaneous record of the answers given by each student. This immediate understanding of what students know, and don’t know, can direct the action of the instructor in the teaching session (NCTM, 2000).
According to Pea (cited in NCTM, 2000), cognitive technologies serve two transcendent functions. First, technologies have purpose functions. They serve to engage students in the activity of mathematical and scientific inquiry. This provides meaning for engagement, ownership of the mathematics and science being learned, and empowerment through the generation of personal agency. Technologies engage students in more powerful mathematical activity in a way that could not be approached without them.
But technologies are not by nature engaging. To achieve this quality, they must be both functional (teachers and students must be able to do with them something that they could not do without them), and they must increase communication and facilitate collaboration. Second, technologies have process functions. Some of the tools available for students should free up their working memory so that they are able to concentrate on problem formulation and modeling (Cole, 2002).
If a high school student is bogged down with computing or graphing, the big picture of number systems, functions, families of curves, etc., is lost. Other tools must provide opportunities for exploration and discovery. In a mediated learning environment, some agent (teacher, peer, and tool) must bridge the informal knowledge of the student and the formalism of mathematical and scientific structure. Still other tools must provide ways of representing mathematical and scientific models and linking representations to make the underlying commonalties transparent (Lesh cited in Cole, 2000).
A single technology rarely has all these process functions. However, a careful selection of tools and software as described in this article can help achieve the necessary complementarities. Two other features of cognitive technologies are necessary for the development of coherent mathematical and scientific structures. The first is what Roschelle (cited in Cole, 2000) called epistemic fidelity. This refers to the requirement that any teaching tool must reflect and develop understandings that are true to the field of study. Students’ mathematical and scientific activity should develop the kinds of understandings that experts in the field would recognize. Two caveats are in order. The road from novice to expert goes through several transformational periods and may not be immediately recognizable as important without an understanding of students’ cognitive development.
Second, the sophisticated knowledge of handed to students. The path taken is as much a part of expert understanding as the final product. The other necessary feature of cognitive technologies should focus the students’ attention on the mathematical structure of the experiences and provide them with a means of communicating their thinking about this structure to others. This is, in its basic form, the engagement of students in mathematical and scientific modeling. The vision that guides the integration of technology, science, and mathematics is the engagement of students in activity that elicits the development of mathematical and scientific models with a coherent epistemological framework. The movement from informal discovery to more formal models marks an authentic transition between the exploratory knowledge of the student, and the theoretical knowledge of the expert (Kozulin & Presseisen cited in Cole, 2000).
Teaching with Technology. In recent years integration of instructional technology (IT) into the university classroom has become a significant part of education. As such resources for educating and assisting faculty in this new arena have become crucial. Workshops on how to use software are not always enough. Teachers need to understand the ways in which these new tools can make a significant difference in student teaching (Cole, 2000).
Developments and advances in technology–hardware and software–have had a tremendous impact on our lives. The infusion of technology into education presents interesting opportunities for teaching and learning, especially in mathematics. Technology changes not only how mathematics is taught, but also when and what mathematics is taught (Posey, 2001).
In one review by Smith (1996), as can be inferred from the six principles, the kind of software and the way it is used are also crucial elements. Common features of the software used in this program are that it can be used by high school students; it is user friendly; it is designed for the kind of computers available in schools; and most important, students are in control, telling the computer what to do rather than the computer telling students what to do. The kinds of software used range from general purpose tools to specialized programs for science and mathematics learning. The particular software used can change from year to year. Typically, four or five kinds of technology are used in depth, including computer-based software and graphing calculators. Although prospective teachers become quite expert in the use of the technology, the main goal is that their future students use technology to explore concepts and solve problems in science and mathematics. Prospective teachers use it in conjunction with hands-on materials, such as geoboards and polyhedra, and activities such as paper folding. Use of natural objects and outdoor activities are also an important part of integration (Harper cited in Stiles, 2002).
However, in the study of Middleton and Goepfert (cited in Papert, 1980), there are six principles that guide the design of choosing the equipment and software, such as: (1) technologies are only tools. Technologies neither supplant the thought processes of students, nor do they make learning fun or easy. Technologies are instruments that should be used judiciously at the proper time in the proper place. (2) Technologies should enable students do what they could not do without them. When used appropriately, technologies help students expand their zone of proximal development. This can serve to make learning more intentional, powerful, and connected. In addition, computer technologies can represent situations unfeasible with other types of tools. (3) Technologies must be on hand all the time. The context, social setting, and tools that students use to construct their mathematical and scientific knowledge are inseparable from the knowledge itself. For technologies to be authentically integrated into students’ learning activity, they must be available when the question arises.
The fourth (4) principle is that tools should facilitate the creation of sharable, modifiable, transportable models of mathematical and scientific concepts (Lesh & Doerr, cited in Papert, 1980). Technologies facilitate the development of public records of thought. These records should be shared as students develop, refine, and test models of mathematical and scientific phenomena. It is crucial that students can modify them, as most models students construct in the beginning are either incomplete, or contain misconceptions. Through discourse, the shared model can be pared down into a workable model that can serve the class as a whole. (5) Sharing of data/resources should be simple. Technological systems should be user friendly. The mechanism of communication should not be more complex than the learning process itself. (6) The setup of the workstations should facilitate collaboration between students. As collaborative tools, technologies are imbedded within the geography, culture, and psychology of the classroom. The setup should facilitate collaborative inquiry, but also engage students in independent exploration.
The National Council of Teachers in Mathematics in USA (2000) stressed that technology can be used to learn mathematics, to do mathematics, and to communicate mathematical information and ideas. The Internet hosts a wealth of mathematical materials that are easily accessible through the use of search engines, creating additional avenues to enhance teaching and facilitate learning. Outside of class, students and faculty can pose problems and offer solutions through e-mail, chat rooms, or websites. Technology provides opportunities for educators to develop and nurture learning communities, embrace collaboration, provide community-based learning, and address diverse learning styles of students and teaching styles of teachers. The integration of appropriately used technology can enhance student understanding of mathematics through pattern recognition, connections, and dynamic visualizations. Electronic teaching activities can attract attention to the mathematics to be learned and promote the use of multiple methods. Learning can be enhanced with electronic questioning that engages students with technology in small groups and facilitates skills development through guided-discovery exercise sets. Using electronic devices for communication, all students can answer mathematics questions posed in class and instructors can have an instantaneous record of the answers given by each student. This immediate understanding of what students know, and don’t know, can direct the action of the instructor in the teaching session.
According to Cole (2002), technology helps students document the validity of their mathematical/critical thinking process, facilitating and enriching the learning processes and the development of problem-solving skills. The use of technology should be guided by consideration of what mathematics is to be learned, the ways students might learn it, the research related to successful practices, and the standards and recommendations recommended by professional organizations in education. Technology can be used by mathematics educators to enhance conceptual understanding through a comparison of verbal, numerical, symbolic, and graphical representations of the same problem.
Teaching with PowerPoint. Both courses have been regularly taught with PowerPoint to supplement lecture and discussion. The choice of PowerPoint as the technological solution was driven substantially by two factors: the suitability of a visual tool to studying politics in foreign countries, and the ease with which PowerPoint can be learned and integrated with existing course material. Comparative politics, the systematic study of domestic political conditions and tendencies in various countries, is ideally suited to a highly visual approach, particularly in imparting to American students a broad overview of the historical, social, and economic conditions which underlie the politics of countries such as Great Britain, France, Germany, the European Union, Japan, Russia, China, India, Nigeria and Mexico. Since the students in question in many cases have not been out of the United States, each unit is begun with a "virtual tour" of the country in PowerPoint, featuring photographs of people and places in the country in question, accompanied by a loop of national music. Clipart from Microsoft and other vendors is extensively used to illustrate the flags, crests, maps, currencies, and landmarks of the country and region. Pie charts are used to express ethnic diversity and budgetary allocations. Line and bar charts are used for economic trends and comparative public policy performance, such as budget deficits, health care expenditures, inflation and unemployment rates. In most cases these can be constructed within PowerPoint itself using the Microsoft Graph 5.0, but in a few instances of advanced mixed chart formats, the charts are created in Microsoft Excel and pasted into the PowerPoint slide. Photographs of political leaders from Microsoft Bookshelf, the World Wide Web and other sources are used to illustrate slides. Short video clips from CNN and other sources are inserted to add variety and a dynamic quality to the presentations. Finally, complex processes can be illustrated easily by use of the Auto shapes. It is also possible to build complex scenario presentations in which students must discuss and choose between difficult alternatives facing poor developing countries, in this case Nigeria. The choices made then branch off to other short presentations which explore the advantages and drawbacks of the choices made by the students (Sammons, 1995).
In the same text, a further advantage of teaching comparative politics with PowerPoint is that it is now possible to go beyond mere text as the focus of testing and broaden the scope of what teachers can expect students to learn and retain. Quizzes and tests can be presented as a PowerPoint presentation, and ask essay, fill-in or multiple-choice questions, reducing photocopying costs for departments in an era of diminishing resources and increased expectations. Furthermore, a PowerPoint quiz can test students' recognition of leaders, flags, and maps; such a quiz may involve an essay reacting to a chart, graph, or photograph, moving students beyond the goal of grasping secondary knowledge and toward reacting to and interpreting primary data.
One additional advantage of using PowerPoint is the ability to easily produce handout sheets with the bullet points clearly printed out. These were produced in the three-slides-per-page format, allowing students plenty of room to write additional information from class lecture and discussion. These sheets are then photocopied as a course pack by a local vendor and available to students at the beginning of the semester (Sammons, 1995).
In the same text student reactions to the use of PowerPoint have been overwhelmingly positive. Surveys distributed to students during the semester asked students their reactions to a variety of statements concerning the use of PowerPoint in the classroom, using a five-point feeling thermometer (ranging from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree"). The instrument was based partly on the instrument used in the Wright State University Pilot Project which used presentational software (though not PowerPoint) in general education courses. Although the reaction in both Wright State and IUP to the use of presentational software was quite positive, reactions at IUP were in most cases higher than at Wright State. That having been said, the much smaller sample size of the IUP experiment prevents any broad comparative conclusions at this point. The results from two semesters of comparative politics (total of forty-seven students responding) are reproduced below.
PowerPoint is one of many alternatives in teaching with technology. PowerPoint works very well in comparative politics, but is far less suited to a subject such as political theory, where visual elements are limited. Political theory, on the other hand, is ideal for instruction via the World Wide Web, since many of the great books of Western political thought are available in full-text online. What works for one subfield does not necessarily work well in another. In examining the use of PowerPoint as an alternative in technological approaches to teaching, a number of factors should be borne in mind. First, the suitability of the subject matter to a highly visual approach is key. Although PowerPoint can be used effectively without photos, clipart, or charts of any kind, the real attraction of the software is the seamless integration of text and visual elements. Subjects such as art, history, nutrition, area studies, safety sciences, geography, anatomy, zoology, physical education, computer science, archaeology and military sciences all have a wealth of visual elements which are easily inserted in PowerPoint. Other subjects, such as philosophy, linguistics, English composition and law would need much more imaginative application of PowerPoint, since many of these disciplines are highly textual in nature. PowerPoint is ideal for teaching with the case study method, beginning with the "facts of the case" and then turning to the questions and discussion. For other disciplines, such as economics, the challenge is to go beyond the charts and bring additional visual elements that enliven and illustrate abstract principles with concrete examples (Sammons, 1995).
In the same text, faculty willingness to learn new technologies and apply them to their teaching is a second challenge in technological selection. PowerPoint has the advantage that it is - for a remarkably powerful presentation package - surprisingly easy to learn and use. That ideal combination of power and ease of use is rarely seen in educational software. Faculty can be easily persuaded that learning PowerPoint does not represent the same kind of learning curve that mastering HTML might. Furthermore, teaching with PowerPoint does not necessarily involve radical changes to teaching approaches, though it can if the instructor so desires. Even as a tool to create better-designed black and white or color transparencies, PowerPoint enforces simple but important rules of highly effective media design in the point sizes of text, bullets, framing, and layout. Once faculty begins to use PowerPoint in this simple way, it is a short step to using PowerPoint as an electronic slide show, where the marginal cost of a new slide is virtually nil. As a simple supplement to traditional lecture and discussion, most instructors see PowerPoint as a simple yet highly effective step forward. Naturally, the technology can be taken much further, and should be, but bringing technology into education is not simply a matter of establishing the cutting edge. As often as not, advancing technology means taking the small steps that introduce new approaches to a broader audience.
The number one challenge to the effective use of PowerPoint in the classroom is clear: the need for effective, cost-efficient, flexible projection systems. This shows up in surveys more than any other complaint. A number of alternatives exist, but there are serious trade-offs in the choices. Linking a laptop computer with PowerPoint to a frame capture or scan capture system which converts monitor images to TV images is fairly cheap, but visibility is limited, making this suitable for smaller classes only. A computer linked to an LCD panel on an overhead projector is a slightly more expensive system, but not only does it require a special highly reflective screen, it also needs a higher-power overhead, both raising the cost of the system. In any case, the image is washed out in all but the most darkened rooms. Ceiling-mounted RGB projectors can show a much better image, but are somewhat expensive and are not portable. These are well-suited to larger auditorium, but instructors who wish to teach their courses with both PowerPoint and cooperative learning techniques which break classes into small groups will find that venue difficult at best. The optimal solution are the LCD projectors on the market, which when combined with a high-performance laptop computer loaded with PowerPoint can give a crisp, visible image for small or large groups, and are portable. This optimal solution, however, is not cheap, and better quality LCD projectors run several thousand dollars. Fortunately, the prices on these devices are dropping, and their flexibility favors sharing them with different instructors or different departments (Sammons, 1995).
Using Calculators versus Paper and Pencil in Mathematics. According to Ray (2000), when she conducts workshops, she does an activity where she asks the participants to get into groups of 4. She has 12 math problems from a 5th grade textbook on an overhead transparency and she asks each group to solve the problems one at a time. One participant has to use a calculator, one uses paper and pencil, and one does it in their head. The fourth decided who gets the problem correct first. Each time that I've done this, mental math wins out about 60% of the time with the calculator coming in about 35% and paper and pencil 5%. What does this say? These are the rules that she uses when it comes to appropriate use of a calculator: (1) Use a calculator as a tool in problem solving... sort of like a "fast pencil." (2) Use a calculator for complex computations but NOT for basic facts! (3) Use a calculator to develop number concepts and skills. (4) Use a calculator in testing situations when not assessing computational proficiency. In general, she uses calculators to help teach mathematics matter, not to replace the teaching of mathematics.
However, according to Ediger (1997), the use of scientific calculator is more enjoyable, excellent to notice fewer errors made in the computation, students have more fun and checking one’s work with a calculator could be done just as easily and accurately that’s why teacher preferred the students to use it to enhance their learning.
On the other hand, when using paper and pencil, pupils have more time to deliberate in problem solving as compared with the use of calculator. Calculators provide the correct results if the user touches the proper keys. Pupils get frustrated if they see long answers and lastly, they preferred to use paper and pencil method when it comes to solve less complex problems (Ediger, 1997).
Guiding Principles and Effective Practices of Graphic Organizers. Visual displays and representations of information, commonly called graphic organizers, have become standard practice in most educational settings. But simply using a graphic organizer does not guarantee enhanced student understanding or achievement. Research and best practices have shown that, for graphic organizers to be effective instructional tools, several factors must be addressed. First, the graphic organizers need to be very straightforward and coherent. Next, students must be taught how to use the graphic organizer. Finally, teachers should consistently use graphic organizers during all aspects of instruction so that students begin to internalize the organizational skills of the graphic display (Boyle, 1997).
Graphic organizers are visual displays of key content information designed to benefit learners who have difficulty organizing information (Fisher & Schumaker cited in Boyle, 1997). Sometimes referred to as concept maps, cognitive maps, or content webs, no matter what name is used, the purpose is the same: Graphic organizers are meant to help students clearly visualize how ideas are organized within a text or surrounding a concept. Through use of graphic organizers, students have a structure for abstract ideas. Graphic organizers can be categorized in many ways according to the way they arrange information: hierarchical, conceptual, sequential, or cyclical (Bromley, Irwin-DeVitis, & Modlo cited in Boyle, 1997). Some graphic organizers focus on one particular content area. For example, a vast number of graphic organizers have been created solely around reading and prereading strategies (Merkley & Jeffries cited in Boyle, 1997).
In presenting a graphic organizer, there are things to be considered, like: (1) keep them simple. For graphic organizers to be effective instructional tools, they must be clear and straightforward (Boyle & Yeager, 1997; Egan cited in Boyle, 1997). The connections and relationships between the ideas depicted in the organizer should be obvious, otherwise the academic benefits will be limited. If an organizer is poorly constructed, includes too much information, or contains distractions, students can easily become confused and even more disorganized than before in their understanding of the target concepts (Robinson cited in Boyle, 1997). Therefore, teachers must keep graphic organizers simple. Suggestions for following this principle include: (a) limit the number of ideas covered in each organizer. Focus on essential concepts that students need to understand and remember; (b) include clear labels and arrows to identify the relationships between concepts; and (c) be careful of graphic organizers that accompany teacher resource materials. They often contain many pictures or background visuals that are distracting to students.
(2) Teach to and with the organizer. As with all instructional tools, students need to be taught how to use graphic organizers effectively and efficiently. Students enter the classroom with varied experiences using graphic organizers. Therefore, teachers must give explicit instructions about how to organize information and when a particular organizer is beneficial. With such guidance and scaffolding, students gain greater independence with graphic organizers.
Once students understand how to use an organizer, teachers need to implement it in creative and engaging ways to enhance effectiveness (Bromley cited in Boyle, 1997). As organizers have become more common, simply using an organizer is no longer enough to maintain students’ attention and focus. The following ideas will help ensure that students are engaged with organizers. (a) Allow students to add illustrations. As long as the pictures add to a student’s understanding of the concepts displayed and do not distract, illustrations can be very engaging. (b) Implement organizers with cooperative groups or pairs of students. Organizers can be excellent tools for discussion and student engagement with each other. (c) Allow students to make their own organizers and share them with the class. As students become more comfortable using organizers, they can teach the strategies they use to organize information for the whole group.
(3) Use graphic organizers often. Many students benefit from routine and structure, so using graphic organizers consistently in the classroom will help them internalize the organizing techniques that are being taught (Griffin & Tulbert cited in Boyle, 1997). The more students are exposed to organizers, the more familiar and comfortable they will become using them. Here are some things to consider when trying being consistent: (a) establish a routine for using organizers during instruction. For example, always use a web when starting a new unit, no matter what the subject area is. Use the same sequence chart when ordering events or steps in math, reading, writing, science, or social studies. (b) Incorporate organizers into all phases of instruction. When students see them used as a warm-up, a guided practice, or a homework assignment, they better understand the purpose and the benefits of the organizer. (c) If students have difficulty using a particular organizer, don’t give up. Students will often struggle with new approaches. Stay consistent and keep providing them guidance and practice. When students see the teacher using an organizer consistently, they are more likely to understand it themselves.
Development of Students’ Skills through the Use of Technology. Technology helps students document the validity of their mathematical/critical thinking process, facilitating and enriching the learning processes and the development of problem-solving skills. The use of technology should be guided by consideration of what mathematics is to be learned, the ways students might learn it, the research related to successful practices, and the standards and recommendations recommended by professional organizations in education. Technology can be used by mathematics educators to enhance conceptual understanding through a comparison of verbal, numerical, symbolic, and graphical representations of the same problem (Cole, 2002).
Students can use technology to search for patterns in data, while allowing the technology to perform routine and repeated calculations. The use of technology should not be used as a substitute for an understanding of and mastery of basic mathematical skills. Technology should be used to enhance conceptual understanding, while simultaneously improving performance in basic skills (Posey, 2001).
Educational Technologies in Learning. Educational technologies are not single technologies but complex combinations of hardware and software. These technologies may employ some combination of audio channels, computer code, data, graphics, video, or text. Although technology applications are frequently characterized in terms of their most obvious hardware feature (e.g., a VCR or a computer), from the standpoint of education, it is the nature of the instruction delivered that is important rather than the equipment delivering it. In this chapter, we review the history and current status of educational technologies, categorized into four basic uses: tutorial, exploratory, application, and communication. Our categories are designed to highlight differences in the instructional purposes of various technology applications, but we recognize that purposes are not always distinct, and a particular application may in fact be used in several of these ways (Conaty, 1993).
In the same text, tutorial uses are those in which the technology does the teaching, typically in a lecture-like or workbook-like format in which the system controls what material will be presented to the student. In our classification scheme, tutorial uses include (1) expository learning, in which the system provides information; (2) demonstration, in which the system displays a phenomenon; and (3) practice, in which the system requires the student to solve problems, answer questions, or engage in some other procedure.
Exploratory uses of technology are those in which the student is free to roam around the information displayed or presented in the medium. Exploratory applications may promote discovery or guided discovery approaches to helping students learn information, knowledge, facts, concepts, or procedures. We also include reference applications, such as CD-ROM encyclopedias, in this category. In contrast to tutorial uses in which the technology acts on the student, in exploratory uses the student controls the learning (as in exploring microworlds or hypermedia stacks) (Conaty, 1993)..
In the same text. application uses, such as word processors and spreadsheets, help students in the educational process by providing them with tools to facilitate writing tasks, analysis of data, and other uses. In addition to word processors and spreadsheets, applications include database management programs, graphing software, desktop publishing systems, and videotape recording and editing equipment.
Communication uses are those that allow students and teachers to send and receive messages and information to one another through networks or other technologies. Interactive distance learning via satellite, computer and modem, cable links, or other technologies constitutes another example of communication uses (Conaty, 1993).
Historically, the dominant teaching-learning model has been one of transmission: teachers transmitting information to students. Not surprisingly, the first uses of educational technology supported this mode. Although other ways of using technology to support learning are now available, tutorial uses continue to be the most widespread, especially with disadvantaged students (Becker cited in Conaty, 1993).
Computer-Assisted Instruction--Some of the first computer-assisted instruction (CAI), developed by Patrick Suppes at Stanford University during the 1960s, set standards for subsequent instructional software. After systematically analyzing courses in arithmetic and other subjects, Suppes designed highly structured computer systems featuring learner feedback, lesson branching, and student record keeping (Coburn cited in Teaching with Computer in Education, 2008).
During the 1970s, a particularly widespread and influential source of computer-assisted instruction was the University of Illinois PLATO system. This system included hundreds of tutorial and drill-and-practice programs. Like other systems of the time, PLATO's resources were available through timesharing on a mainframe computer (Coburn cited in Teaching with Computer in Education, 2008).
Today, microcomputers are powerful enough to act as file servers, and CAI can be delivered either through an integrated learning system or as stand-alone software. Typical CAI software provides text and multiple-choice questions or problems to students, offers immediate feedback, notes incorrect responses, summarizes students' performance, and generates exercises for worksheets and tests. CAI typically presents tasks for which there is one (and only one) correct answer; it can evaluate simple numeric or very simple alphabetic responses, but it cannot evaluate complex student responses.
Integrated learning systems (ILSs) are networked CAI systems that manage individualized instruction in core curriculum areas (mathematics, science, language arts, reading, writing). ILSs differ from most stand-alone CAI in their use of a network (i.e., computer terminals are connected to a central computer) and in their more extensive student record-keeping capabilities. The systems are sold as packages, incorporating both the hardware and software for setting up a computer lab.
ILSs are typically sold in sets of 30 workstations, with an average cost of about $125,000. Major producers include Josten's Learning Corporation, WICAT Systems, and CCC (founded by Patrick Suppes). About 10,000 ILSs are in use in U.S. schools, most of them purchased with funds from the ESEA Chapter 1 program for at-risk students (Mageau cited in Teaching with Computer in Education, 2008).
The instructional software within ILSs is typically conventional CAI: instruction is organized into discrete content areas (mathematics, reading, etc.) and requires simple responses from students. ILS developers have also made a point of developing systems that tie into the major basal textbooks. Mageau (cited in Teaching with Computer in Education, 2008) notes that the systems "can correlate almost objective by objective to a district's K-8.... language arts, reading, math, and even science curricula". Users of ILSs enjoy the advantage of having one coordinated system, making it easy for students to use a large selection of software.
A new trend in integrated learning systems is represented by ClassWorks, developed by Computer Networking Specialists. ClassWorks offers the school access to whatever variety of third-party software the teachers select, along with all the instructional management features associated with an ILS (Mageau cited in Teaching with Computer in Education, 2008).
CAI in general, and integrated learning systems in particular, have found a niche in America's schools by fitting into existing school structures (Newman cited in Teaching with Computer in Education, 2008). Cohen (cited in Teaching with Computer in Education, 2008) describes these structures as follows: (a) most instruction occurs in groups of 25 to 35 students in small segments from 45 to 50 minutes long; (b) instruction is usually either whole-class or completely individual; (c) instruction is teacher dominated, with teachers doing most of the talking and student talk confined largely to brief answers to teacher questions; (d) when students work on their own, they complete handouts devised or selected by the teacher. Students have little responsibility for selecting goals or deadlines and little chance to explore issues in depth. Most responses are brief; (d) knowledge is represented as mastery of isolated bits of information and discrete skills.
Many features of tutorial CAI are consistent with the traditional classroom described by Cohen. Tutorial CAI provides a one-way (computer to student) transmission of knowledge; it presents information and the student is expected to learn the information presented. Much CAI software presents information in a single curriculum area (e.g., arithmetic or vocabulary) and uses brief exercises that can easily is accommodated within the typical 50-minute academic period. CAI is designed for use by a single student and can be accommodated into a regular class schedule if computers are placed in a laboratory into which various whole classes are scheduled.
Basic skills (such as the ability to add or spell) lend themselves to drill- and-practice activities, and CAI, with its ability to generate exercises (e.g., mathematics problems or vocabulary words) is well suited to providing extensive drill and practice in basic skills. Students at risk of academic failure often seen as lacking in basic skills and therefore unable to acquire advanced thinking skills become logical candidates for CAI drill-and-practice instruction. Recent research and thinking on the needs of disadvantaged students stress a different need. Disadvantaged students need the opportunity to acquire advanced thinking skills and can acquire basic skills within the context of complex, meaningful problems. This latter approach to instruction, which is stressed in education reform, has not been well served by traditional CAI.
Intelligent Computer-Assisted Instruction-- Intelligent computer-assisted instruction (ICAI, also known as intelligent tutoring systems or ITSs) grew out of generative computer-assisted instruction. Programs that generated problems and tasks in arithmetic and vocabulary learning eventually were designed to select problems at a difficulty level appropriate for individual students (Suppes cited in Teaching with Computer in Education, 2008).
These adaptive systems (i.e., adapting problems to the student's learning level) were based on summaries of a student's performance on earlier tasks, however, rather than on representations of the student's knowledge of the subject matter (Sleeman & Brown cited in Teaching with Computer in Education, 2008). The truly intelligent systems that followed were able to present problems based on models of the student's knowledge, to solve problems themselves, and to diagnose and explain student capabilities.
Historically, ICAI systems have been developed in more mathematically oriented domains--arithmetic, algebra, programming--and have been more experimental in nature than has conventional CAI. Although ICAI is an area of active research projects, ICAI programs in the schools are not widespread. ICAI tends to call for more meaningful interactions than traditional CAI and tends to deal with more complex subject matter.
ICAI's focus on modeling student knowledge lends itself to applications in teaching advanced thinking skills. ICAI has not been used extensively with disadvantaged students (traditional targets for basic skills instruction).
One intelligent tutoring system, Geometry Tutor, provides students with instruction in planning and problem solving to prove theorems in geometry (Office of Technology Assessment cited in Teaching with Computer in Education, 2008). Geometry Tutor comprises an expert system containing knowledge of how to construct geometry proofs, a tutor to teach students strategies and to identify their errors, and an interface to let students communicate with the computer. Geometry Tutor monitors students as they try to prove theorems, instructing and guiding them throughout the problem-solving process (Anderson et al. 1985). Schofield, Evans-Rhodes, and Huber (cited in Teaching with Computer in Education, 2008) studied the implementation of Geometry Tutor in a public high school and found changes in the behavior of teachers and students using this system: teachers spent more time with students having problems, collaborated more with students, and based more of a student's grade on effort; students increased their level of effort and were more involved in the academic tasks. Thus, ICAI can be implemented in ways that support the kind of learning that education reformers advocate. Although most of these applications control instructional content, they can be used within a broader instructional framework that stresses joint work with the automated tutor.
Technologies for tutorial learning typically use a transmission rather than constructivist model of instruction. For this reason, although they have found their place in education and have the greatest rate of adoption within schools thus far, they are unlikely to serve as a catalyst for restructuring education. The focus of drill-and-practice CAI on basic skills allows little room for the presentation of complex tasks, multistep problems, or collaborative learning. ICAI, on the other hand, has the potential to deal with complex domains, to provide models of higher- order thinking, and to probe students understanding, but has seldom been well integrated into a school's mainstream curriculum. One-way video technologies can be very motivating but are nearly always viewed as enrichment and have not instigated fundamental changes within schools (Conaty, 1993).

Research Literature
The following studies discussed some of the basic tenets pertinent to the present study. These studies were included in the view of clarifying concepts related to this research.
In a study by Setzer entitled “Computers in Education”, administered in University of Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2000, he introduced some arguments in using computers in education, at home and at school. They are the following: (1). Computers improve both teaching and student achievement. (2). Computer literacy should be taught as early as possible; otherwise students will be left behind. (3). Technology programs leverage support from the business community - badly needed today because schools are increasingly starved for funds. (4). To make tomorrow's work force competitive in an increasingly high-tech world, learning computer skills must be a priority. (5). Work with computers - particularly using the Internet - brings students valuable connections with teachers, other schools and students, and a wide network of professionals around the globe. Those connections spice the school day with a sense of real-world relevance, and broaden the educational community (Oppenheimer, 2000).
According to Papert (cited in Setzer, 2000) in examining those arguments, the following patterns emerge. These patterns are the following: (a) computers should be learned and used as soon as possible because they will be essential for the individual in the professional working place; (b) students who do not master computers will not keep pace with their classmates; (c) computers are good tools for learning; (d) computers improve students' achievements; (e) computers accelerate children's development, mainly intellectual; (f) computers may provide a free environment for learning; (g) computers may promote social (and family) cohesion; (h) computers provide a fascinating learning environment, one that attracts children and young people; (i) computers provide for a challenge of traditional educational methods and values; (j) computers induce a certain vision of the world; (k) computers make it possible to learn without tensions and pressures; (l) computers (through the Internet) make students get interested in foreign cultures and people; (m) computers develop self-control; (n) computers may provide for a more humanistic teaching; (o) computers may enhance imagination and creativity; (p) computers may be used to make children conscious of their own thinking process; (q) computers provide for an individual way and pace of learning. (r) Children have to learn computers otherwise they will be afraid of them at adult ages; (s) children who don't use a computer at home may develop psychological and social problems (e.g. a sense of inferiority); and (t) through the Internet, computers make it possible for students to access all sorts of information not available through other means.
In addition, the study of Fulton and Wenglinsky about the “Technology and Students Learning” administered on September 1997, states some of the questions they want to study like: “does it work?" and "is it effective?" are legitimate questions about educational technology. When educators ask these questions, they are really asking if technology helps students learn. But technology is only a tool and the question cannot just be "Does the presence of technology improve learning?" It is clear that when the researchers try to evaluate the educational uses of technology, what they are really evaluating are the broader pedagogical practices being used. The question, then, becomes: What kinds of technology are being used, under what context, and in what ways that help promote student learning?
Not all the research paints a rosy picture of technology in schools. Some show no academic improvement; no pay off for costly investments (Mathews, 2000). Other authors believe technology takes funding away from other resources and programs that may be more beneficial to students (Healy, 1999; Oppenheimer, 1997); that technology sits idle and is underused (Cuban, 2001); and that an over-reliance on technology can rob from children opportunities to express creativity, build human relationships, and experience hands-on learning (Alliance for Childhood, 2000).
Furthermore this study found out that under the right conditions, technology: (a). accelerates, enriches, and deepens basic skills; (b) motivates and engages students in learning; (c) helps relate academics to the practices of today's workforce.; (d) increases economic viability of tomorrow's workers; (e) strengthens teaching.; (f) contributes to change in schools; and lastly, (g) connects schools to the world.
Other studies with negative results indicate that the initiatives themselves focused on hardware and software, or teachers taught about the technology instead of using the technology to enhance learning experiences. Bracewell, Breuleux, Laferriere, Beniot, and Abdous (cited in Fulton and Wellingski, 1997) asserted that the integration of educational technology into the classroom, in conjunction with supportive pedagogy, typically leads to increased student interest and motivation in learning, more student-centered classroom environments, and increased real-life or authentic learning opportunities. Davis (cited in Fulton and Wellingski, 1997) agreed that technology integration led to student-centered classrooms, which increased student self-esteem. Schacter (cited in Fulton and Wellingski, 1997) concluded that technology initiatives have to focus on teaching and learning, not the technology, to be successful: "One of the enduring difficulties about technology and education is that a lot of people think about the technology first and the education later". Educators are starting to recognize it is more important to use technology for learning than it is to learn how to use the technology.
Becker (2000) examined data from the 1998 national survey of teachers, Teaching, Learning, and Computing (TLC), and concluded: under the right conditions—where teachers are personally comfortable and at least moderately skilled in using computers themselves, where the school's daily class schedule permits allocating time for students to use computers as part of class assignments, where enough equipment is available and convenient to permit computer activities to flow seamlessly alongside other learning tasks, and where teachers' personal philosophies support a student-centered, constructivist pedagogy that incorporates collaborative projects defined partly by student interest—computers are clearly becoming a valuable and well-functioning instructional tool.
Educational visionaries are often frustrated that technology has primarily been used only to automate traditional education. They see the various ways technology will be used to revolutionize education through ‘learning by doing' and in the kinds of collaborative communities young people are creating with technology (Richardson, 2006; Tapscott, 1998). Further, "Computer based technology has been called an essential ingredient in restructuring because it can provide the diversity in instructional methods necessary to reach all school children," according to Polin (1991). Papert (1996) described the important role technology can play in learning (Cherniavsky & Soloway, 2002; Papert, 1989, 1996; Schank, 2001; Schank & Cleary, 1995).

Upon discussing the related literatures, several realizations helped the researcher in the development of this study. Also, mathematics educators cannot separate the vision of how they should prepare high school teachers in mathematics from the vision of what and how students should learn mathematics in the high school. Prospective teachers should have the same kind of experiences integrating mathematics, and technology as their future students. One of the goals of the high school concept is the integration of mathematics with other areas. Teachers should experience how technology can be integrated in an authentic way, so that the integrity of mathematics is preserved. Different high schools incorporate to different degrees the ideal of the high school concept. Prospective teachers can also take part of the approach presented here to implement change and support the necessary reform in mathematics teaching over time, regardless of the degree of implementation of the high school concept in their placement school.
Studies and researches mentioned above were considered very significant because they help the researcher acquire a lot of knowledge and understanding regarding the concept of what modern technology gadgets (computer and scientific calculator) really are and how it affects the learning of the students in the present time. From this study, the researcher was given full view of modern technology gadgets, which will be the starting point in delving more with this research.
Fourth year high school students were the specific respondents of the present study since this was the time when they will be taking up Trigonometry and the use of scientific calculator is a must for them.
This study shares the same view on the aforementioned studies and researches conducted – that the use of modern technology gadgets and the frequency of use greatly affect the learning in mathematics of the students today.

This chapter deals with the research design, the subjects of the study, the data gathering procedure and the statistical treatment of the gathered data.
Research Design
This study used the descriptive type of research. Descriptive method was used in this study because it best describes the frequency of use of technology-aided teaching strategy, the effects of utilizing modern technology gadgets and the its effect of using in students learning. It is defined by Travers (1978) as the design which aims “to describe the nature of a situation as it exists at the time of the study and to explore the cases of particular phenomena”.
Respondents of the Study
The total population of the fourth year high school students of First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities (FAITH) is one hundred thirty-nine (139) for the Academic Year 2008-2009 but one hundred thirty-six (136) answered the survey because three of them were absent. The Slovin’s Formula was used to get the number of respondents. From one hundred thirty-six (136), the researcher got one hundred two (102) students, which were composed of fifty-one (51) males and fifty-one (51) females. They were randomly selected using stratified sampling. Their ages ranges from fifteen (15) to seventeen (17) years old.
The researcher employed them as the respondents of the study since this was the time when they are taking up Trigonometry and the use of scientific calculator is a must for them.
Data Gathering Instrument
The researcher, in order to attain this objective, used a self-constructed, validated questionnaire as the main instrument in gathering data. The researcher looked for the unpublished and published materials available in the library and electronic sources for topics that are related to the present study. Items in the questionnaire were constructed based on the statement of the problem that was presented in the study such as the technology-aided teaching strategy that utilize modern technology gadgets and its frequency of use; the effects of utilizing modern technology gadgets in learning mathematics; and lastly the effects of using modern technology gadgets in students learning.
After constructing the questionnaire, the researcher had it validated, first with the thesis adviser by asking how to correct on the items and its format, then to two Mathematics teacher by checking the mathematical words used and finally to an English teacher by correcting the grammar. In validating the questionnaire, instead of using formula as a standard process of validation, a focused group was involved which composed of ten (10) college students of First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities in the Tertiary Level. Since all items in the questionnaire were answered correctly by the focused group, it was assumed that they are valid – the items can answer the posted statement of the problems in this study. After the validation, it was made ready for actual administration to the respondents. It was constructed to gather responses from the fourth year high school students of First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities.
The questionnaire consisted of three main parts. The first part contained the technology-aided teaching strategies and the frequency of their use wherein they were given scalar values and description such as: 4- Always; 3- Often; 2- Sometimes and 1- Never. There are twelve (12) items in this part.
The second part of the questionnaire contains fourteen (14) items about the effects of the utilization of modern technology gadgets in learning mathematics. The respondents were asked to use the scalar values and description such as: 4- Very Much; 3- Much; 2- Not so much; 1- Not at all, in answering each item.
Finally, the last part of the questionnaire is consisted of fourteen (14) items on the effects of using modern technology gadgets in students learning. Like in the first and second part, scalar values and its description were given such as: 4- Strongly agree; 3- Agree; 2- Disagree and 1- Strongly disagree, as the respondents guide in for answering the questions.
To further interpret the weighted mean, this scale was used.
Part I
Part II
Part III
3.49 – 4
Very Much
Strongly Agree
2.49 – 3.48
1.49 – 2.48
Not Much
1 – 1.48
Not at all
Strongly Disagree

Data Gathering Procedure
When the researcher came up with the topic he wanted to study, he presented his chosen topic to the thesis adviser, and defended it. After some critical analysis and examination, the proposed topic was accepted. Thereupon, the researcher started to construct the questionnaire. With the help of the thesis adviser, grammarian and Mathematics teachers; the questionnaire was then approved and advised for a dry-run.
The researcher then prepared the questionnaire ready for dry-run administered to ten (10) college students, four first year Industrial Engineering students, one second year Secondary Education major in Mathematics, two third year Elementary Education major in Special Education and three fourth year Elementary Education major in Special Education. Since all items in the questionnaire were answered correctly by the focused group, it was assumed that they are valid – the items can answer the posted statement of the problems in this study. After tallying the results, the answers yielded were manifested that the items were clear because they were answered correctly by those students.
The researcher then ready for the actual administration of the questionnaire for the target respondents, made a formal letter to the high school principal of First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities. The letter was duly signed by the adviser and the College Dean and was approved by the high school principal. He advised the researcher to administer the questionnaire to the whole population of the fourth year high school students. This is to keep records of all students to the perceived effects of the utilization of modern technology gadget in learning mathematics. After the approval of the letter, the data gathering instrument was reproduced and distributed to the respondents on August 15, 2008 from 1:30pm to 2:30 pm at room 30, 31, 40 and 41. The questionnaire was personally administered by the researcher with the assistance of the concerned high school teacher.
In tallying the answers the researcher used the number of respondents obtained through Slovin’s Formula. From one hundred thirty-six (136), only one hundred two (102) were tallied. The one hundred two (102) students were randomly selected to properly represent each section. This was personally analyzed by the researcher.
A one hundred percent (100%) retrieval of questionnaire was tallied and appropriate statistical tools were applied.
Statistical Treatment of Data
After the questionnaire was collected, the researcher made the appropriate tabulation of the responses and statistical tools were applied to the study which was follows:
Slovin’s Formula was used to determine the sample size of the respondents.
N is the population size
e is the margin of error
Weighted Mean was used to determine the technology-aided teaching strategy that utilize modern technology gadgets and its frequency of use, the effects of utilizing modern technology gadgets in learning mathematics and lastly the effects of using modern technology gadgets in students learning.

w is the weights
is the mean.
is the sum of all score.
n is the total number of respondents.

Composite mean was used to determine the sum of the entire weighted mean in each part.

is the weighted mean of the first item.
is the weighted mean of the second item.
is the weighted mean of the nth item.
n is the number of items.
c is the composite mean.
Pearson product moment correlation coefficient was used to determine the correlation between the frequency of the utilization of modern technology gadgets and learning of mathematics.


x is the value of independent variable. is the mean of the values of x.
y is the value of dependent variable.

is the mean of the value y.

T-test was used to determine the significant relationship between the frequency of the utilization of modern technology gadgets and learning of mathematics.


r is the value of the correlation (Pearson R)
N is the sample size

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretations of the data gathered on the perceived effects of the utilization of modern technology gadgets in learning mathematics of fourth year high school students of First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities.
1. Teaching Strategy Utilizing Modern Technology Gadgets
Varied teaching strategy that utilizes modern technology gadgets were presented to the respondents as follows: (1) lecture method with power point presentation; (2) reporting with power point presentation; (3) independent research through the use of internet; (4) model-making through the use of related software; (5) computer hands-on activities; (6) problem solving with the use of scientific calculator; (7) cooperative learning with power point presentation; (8) use of graphic organizers in solving problems; (9) discussion with the use of power point presentation; (10) use of analogy (reasoning) with power point presentation; (11) discovery learning through the use of scientific calculators; and lastly, (12) guided discovery through the use of related software.
The abovementioned teaching strategies were assumed by the researcher to be utilized by the teacher in teaching mathematics as they are commonly used by the teachers in Mathematics across schools.
2. Frequency of Using Technology-Aided Teaching Strategy that Utilizes Modern Technology Gadgets

Table 1 shows the frequency of using the teaching strategy that utilizes modern technology gadgets. It was analyze by the researcher because it seems that the frequency of utilization has its effect in students learning.
Table 1. Frequency of Using Technology-Aided Teaching Strategy that Utilizes Modern Technology Gadgets
Technology-Aided Teaching Strategy
that Utilizes Modern Technology Gadgets
1. Lecture method with power point presentation
2. Reporting with power point presentation
3. Independent research through the use of internet
4. Model-making through the use of related software
5. Computer hands-on activities
6. Problem solving with the use of scientific calculator
7. Cooperative learning with power point presentation
8. Use of graphic organizers in solving problems
9. Discussion with the use of power point presentation
10. Use of analogy (reasoning) with power point presentation
11. Discovery learning through the use of scientific calculators
12. Guided discovery through the use of related software

It can be gleaned in the table that the three most commonly used teaching strategies used by the teachers in teaching Mathematics are: cooperative learning with power point presentation with a weighted mean of 3.14; second is reporting with power point presentation with a weighted mean of 3.15; and third is discussion with the use of power point presentation with a weighted mean of 3.21. All of them have a verbal interpretation, “often”.
It can be inferred from the results that the use of power point presentation is commonly used in different teaching strategy such as cooperative learning, reporting and discussion. This probably is made possible because in First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities (FAITH), technology use is one of the focuses of teaching and learning. Students and teachers are encouraged to deliver their lessons through the use of computers and one effective means is through the use of power point presentation. As the school promotes technology, it is but natural that the lessons must be presented through the use of technology.
This is further explained by Sammons (1995) when he said that power point works best for things that are presented visually, not verbally. It helps when the pupil need to draw a picture. Communication delivered over multiple channels is more efficient than communication over a single channel. Multiple channels make it more likely that the whole message will be received. An appropriate picture adds another channel. A picture aids in memory by making a visual connection to an abstract idea like memory rests on connections and a vivid picture forms a solid connection. Lastly, power point makes it easy to create visuals, and, by using a template, make it easy to be consistent.
On the other hand, the three least used technology – aided teaching strategies are the following: (a) discovery learning through the use of scientific calculators with a weighted mean of 2.69; (b) guided discovery through the use of related software with a weighted mean of 2.73; and (c) use of graphic organizers in solving problems with a weighted mean of 2.79. All of them have a verbal interpretation of often.
These three seem to have lower score because calculator, graphic organizer and related software are not regularly used in the classroom. The teacher seems to use the computer through the power point presentation than the use calculator in solving, graphic organizer in the lesson and the related software because here in First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities (FAITH), computer is the instrument in teaching and/or presenting the lessons while scientific calculator, graphic organizer and related software are already installed or programmed in the computer.
This is similar to Ray’s findings (2000), from her workshop where she concluded that there are rules when it comes to appropriate use of a calculator: (1) use a calculator as a tool in problem solving... sort of like a "fast pencil"; (2) use a calculator for complex computations but NOT for basic facts; (3) use a calculator to develop number concepts and skills; and (4) use a calculator in testing situations when not assessing computational proficiency. In general, she uses calculators to help teach mathematics matter, not to replace the teaching of mathematics.
Likewise Mitchel, (cited in Boyle, 1997), said that the use of graphic organizer can develop students’ visual skills. He added however that using graphic organizer must be based on the suitability of the lessons presented are therefore cannot be used regularly.
3. Effects of Utilizing Modern Technology Gadgets in Learning Mathematics
Table 2 shows the effects of utilizing computer in learning mathematics. It was analyzed in the research because it seems that the utilization of computer in teaching and/or presenting the lesson will enhance the learning of the students in mathematics.
Table 2. Effects of Utilizing Computer in Learning Mathematics

My learning is enhanced when…

1. the teacher uses power point presentation in
presenting the lesson.

Much Enhanced
2. the teacher shows animation in the monitor
which is related to the topic.

Much Enhanced
3. the teacher gives an independent research
work using the internet.

Much Enhanced
4. we work in groups on a particular problem
when using the internet .

Much Enhanced
5. the lectures of my teacher were sent to my e-

Not so Much Enhanced
6. the teacher shows some presentation related
to our topic.

Much Enhanced
7. we always have computer hands-on

Much Enhanced
Much Enhanced

It is shown in Table 2 that the teachers up three ways of presenting and/or teaching the lesson with the use of computer wherein the students can enhance their learning are the following: (a) having computer hands-on activities with a weighted mean of 2.85; (b) the teacher showing animation in the monitor which is related to the topic with a weighted mean of 2.93; and (c) the teacher uses power point presentation in presenting the lesson with a weighted mean of 3.22. All of them have a verbal interpretation of “much enhanced”.
The three most commonly used ways of teacher in presenting and/or teaching the lesson with the use of computer that enhances students’ learning with the use of power point presentation is believed to be useful probably because through power point presentation, students can visibly see concepts in the simplest way – with bulleted information, readable and with interesting slide design that captures the attention of the students. It is user-friendly and its purpose is to really present concepts in a more interesting manner.
This is similar to Sammons (1995) statements saying that, that the teachers, in using power point presentation to enhance their students learning, must observed the following: (1) use it judiciously for a few key graphics or illustrations; (2) avoid text slides; (3) use text occasionally as a reference point for big ideas, (e.g. the three main objectives of a lesson); (4) remember other kinds of visuals; (5) handouts may be a more appropriate alternative. (6) Don’t be seduced by textbook publishers that offer canned presentations that go with a textbook; (7) the teacher should not be the publisher nor the textbook; (8) the teacher should make careful choices of what to use and what to avoid; (9) avoid using power point for discussion or coaching sessions.
He added that power point does not facilitate spontaneous discussion or discovery. The use of whatever media in the classroom must work to help students make connections. Making connections is the foundation of memory and ingenuity. Students learn as they make connections. An efficient use of visuals in the classroom can help students make connections between parts and the whole, between cause and effect, between problem and solution, between principle and practice.
On the other hand, the three least used ways in presenting and/or teaching the lesson with the use of computer wherein students can enhance their learning are the following: (a) the lectures sent to e-mail with a weighted mean of 2.22 which has the lowest score and verbal interpretation of “not so much enhance”; (b)working in groups on a particular problem when using computer with a weighted mean of 2.53; and (c) the teachers’ showing of some presentation related to the topic with a weighted mean of 2.77. The remaining two has a verbal interpretation of “much enhanced”.
The three least used in presenting and/or teaching the lesson with the use of computer wherein the students will enhanced their learning, are not preferable for the students. The sending of lectures to students’ email may not be preferred probably because of minimal contacts between the students and teachers. For example, students may still need more explanations and instructions that are lacking when the lecture is already sent through e-mail. Also, students may find it so taxing sending, downloading, and printing those lectures instead of understanding it with the help of the teacher. Similarly, not all students have their own e-mail and computer or internet at home.
Meanwhile, working in groups may not be preferred because most students want to discover for himself how a problem may be solved through computer hands-on activities. Computer hands-on may be one of the most interesting activities for students but since they will be working in group, it becomes minimal, for they only have a one-at-a time chance in using the calculator. Also in grouping some students become dependent to their leader.
TV showing of some presentations related to the topic may not be so attractive to students probably because they still have to develop the so-called integrative learning skills. Or it can also inferred that the teachers way lack the skills of integrative teaching, thus making students not interested to the presentations which really are not their lessons.
According to (Suber, 2008) note taking is the practice of writing pieces of information, often in an informal or unstructured manner. In taking down notes, the students can: (1) organized notes that help in identifying the core of important ideas in the lecture; (2) It serves as permanent records that help in learning and remembering lecture; (3) the lecture may contain information not available anywhere else, this will be the only chance to students to learn it; (4) lecture is where the students learn what the instructor thinks is important, and makes up the exams; (5) class assignments are usually given in the lecture; and (6) the underlying organization and purpose of the lecture will become clear through note taking.
Another gadget used in presenting Mathematics lesson is the scientific calculator. Table 3 shows the effects of utilizing scientific calculator in learning mathematics. It was analyzed by the researcher because it seems that the utilization of scientific calculator in teaching and/or presenting the lesson will enhance the learning of the students in mathematics.
It is shown in Table 3 that the up three ways of presenting and/or teaching the lesson with the use of scientific calculator wherein the students will enhanced their learning are the following: (a) use scientific calculator in finding the factors of a given large number with a weighted mean of 3.11; (b) use scientific calculator in solving problems involving trigonometric functions with a weighted mean of 3.12; and (c) evaluate, press the keys and see the results on the display screen of the scientific calculator with a weighted mean of 3.12. All of them have a verbal interpretation of “much enhanced”.

Table 3. Effects of Utilizing Scientific Calculator in Learning Mathematics

My learning is enhanced when…

1. I use scientific calculator in solving problems
involving trigonometric functions.

Much Enhanced
2. I evaluate, press the keys and see the results
on the display screen of the scientific

Much Enhanced
3. the teacher encourages me to discover by
myself certain facts about numbers using
scientific calculator.

Much Enhanced
4. I challenge my classmate to a calculator
game like in being the first to solve the
problem and get the right answer.

Not so Much Enhanced

5. I learn how to minimize the number of
keystrokes in solving problems.

Much Enhanced

6. I use scientific calculator in finding the
factors of a given large number.

Much Enhanced
7. I use scientific calculator in doing my
Much Enhanced
Much Enhanced

It is observed by the researcher that the learning of the students are enhanced when they use scientific calculator in finding the factors, solving problems involving trigonometric functions and evaluating large numbers because they seems to have fun and enjoyment by means of pressing the keys of the scientific calculator and at the same time they are learning what their doing.
This also observed by Ediger (1997), who said that the use of scientific calculator is more enjoyable, excellent to notice fewer errors made in the computation, students have more fun and checking one’s work with a calculator could be done just as easily and accurately that’s why teacher preferred the students to use it to enhance their learning.
On the other hand, it is shown in Table 3 that the three least used ways in presenting and/or teaching the lesson with the use of scientific calculator with less effects on influence are the following (a) challenging classmate to a calculator game like in being the first to solve the problem and get the right answer with a weighted mean of 2.24 and has a verbal interpretation of “not so much enhanced”, then (b) the teacher encourages students to discover certain facts about numbers by themselves using scientific calculator with a weighted mean of 2.67 and lastly (c) learning how to minimize the number of keystrokes in solving problems with a weighted mean of 2.82. The last two have a verbal interpretation of “much enhanced”.
It is observed by the researcher that the students do not pay much attention to the other uses, functions and importance of scientific calculator. They only consider the use of calculators in solving problems that is why they do not use it for a calculator game; they do not notice the number of keystrokes; and also the facts about numbers.
According to Ediger (1997), the calculator programs allow individual students to work at their own speed through a set sequence of stages, problems or challenges. Where a student is consistently successful, the calculator program can progress to the next level of difficulty. This "responsiveness" of the exercise is something that cannot easily be emulated with a textbook. The programs typically generate problems with randomly selected numbers. As a result of this students can't copy answers from their neighbor, but rather they spend time discussing how to do questions and identifying methods that work. The motivational aspect of use of IT in the teaching and learning process cannot be undervalued - especially with the weaker, or younger, mathematician. Students typically enjoy lessons that are based around calculator programs - the desire to obtain a faster time, or a higher score, often adds an additional competitive element to the chosen exercise.
4. Effects of Using Modern Technology Gadgets in the Development of Students Skills
Table 4 shows the effects of using computer in the development of students’ skills. It was analyzed by the researcher because it seems that the using of computers can develop the skills of the students.
Table 4. Effects of Using Computer in the Development of Students Skills
By using computers…

1. I become attentive to learn new concepts.
2. I understand the lesson easier.
3. I can visualize the underlying principles of
th topic.
4. I become more participative in class
5. I learn while having fun.
6. I become interactive in group activities.
7. I am more receptive in the discussion.

It is shown in Table 4 that the up three behavior/skills mostly develop in learning mathematics with the use computer are as follows: (a) understanding the lesson easier with a verbal interpretation of 3.28; (b) learning while having fun with a weighted mean of 3.37; and (c) becoming attentive to learn new concepts with a weighted mean of 3.40. All of them have a verbal interpretation of “agree”.
It can be said that when using computer, the students will understand the lesson easier because it helps them to have a one click a way information in surfing the net, in terms of having fun, because of its graphics and because of that the (graphics and animation) it helps them to become attentive listener and they will pay more attention.
Similarly, the National Council of Teachers in Mathematics in USA (2000) stressed that technology can be used to learn mathematics, to do mathematics, and to communicate mathematical information and ideas. The Internet hosts a wealth of mathematical materials that are easily accessible through the use of search engines, creating additional avenues to enhance teaching and facilitate learning. Outside of class, students and faculty can pose problems and offer solutions through e-mail, chat rooms, or websites.
Technology provides opportunities for educators to develop and nurture learning communities, embrace collaboration, provide community-based learning, and address diverse learning styles of students and teaching styles of teachers. The integration of appropriately used technology can enhance student understanding of mathematics through pattern recognition, connections, and dynamic visualizations. Electronic teaching activities can attract attention to the mathematics to be learned and promote the use of multiple methods.
Learning can be enhanced with electronic questioning that engages students with technology in small groups and facilitates skills development through guided-discovery exercise sets. Using electronic devices for communication, all students can answer mathematics questions posed in class and instructors can have an instantaneous record of the answers given by each student. This immediate understanding of what students know, and don’t know, can direct the action of the instructor in the teaching session.
However, the three behavior/skills least developed in learning mathematics with the use computer are the following: (a) becoming more receptive in the discussion with a weighted mean of 3.03; (b) becoming more participative in class discussion with a weighted mean of 3.05; and (c) visualizing the underlying principles of the topic with weighted mean of 3.21. All of them have a verbal interpretation of “agree”.
The results can be associated to the observations that computer poses less interaction with the students and is useful to the visual learners only. In that case the other kind of learners which is not visual type cannot learn that much with computer.
According to Cole (2002), technology helps students document the validity of their mathematical/critical thinking process, facilitating and enriching the learning processes and the development of problem-solving skills. The use of technology should be guided by consideration of what mathematics is to be learned, the ways students might learn it, the research related to successful practices, and the standards and recommendations recommended by professional organizations in education. Technology can be used by mathematics educators to enhance conceptual understanding through a comparison of verbal, numerical, symbolic, and graphical representations of the same problem.
Consequently, Table 5 shows the effects of using scientific calculator in the development of students’ skills. It was analyzed by the researcher because it seems that the using of scientific calculator can develop the skills of the students.
It is shown in Table 5 that the up three behavior/skills mostly develop in learning mathematics with the use scientific calculator are the following: (a) skipping the step-by-step process on how to solve problems with a weighted mean of 3.32; (b) finding it easy to solve difficult problems with a weighted mean of 3.35; and (c) spending less time in solving large numbers with a weighted mean of 3.43. All of them have a verbal interpretation “agree”.
Table 5. Effects of Using Scientific Calculator in the Development of Students Skills
By using scientific calculator…

1. I develop my skills in solving problems.
2. I reinforce my skills in computation.
3. I improve my reasoning to a higher-level of
4. I enhance my analytical thinking skills.
5. I spend less time in solving large numbers.
6. I can skip the step-by-step process on how to
solve problems.
7. I find it easy to solve difficult problems.
It is then believe by the researcher that the using of calculators helped the students skip the step-by-step process, spend less time in solving large numbers, and find it easy to solve problems. Because of that they will have the time to review their answers, compare the results to others, helps to improve their solutions and they can track which is incorrect in their solutions.
According to Ediger (1997), the use of scientific calculator is more enjoyable, excellent to notice fewer errors made in the computation, students have more fun and checking one’s work with a calculator could be done just as easily and accurately that’s why students preferred to use it to develop their skills.
On the hand, the three behavior/skills least developed in learning mathematics with the use scientific calculator are the following: (a) reinforcing skills in computation with a weighted mean of 3.04, and then both (b) improving reasoning to a higher-level of thinking and (c) enhancing analytical thinking skills have a weighted mean of 3.07. All of them have a verbal interpretation of “agree”.
It is then believed by the researcher that the students don’t know the importance of scientific calculator, they are just compute a problem using scientific calculator without knowing that that their skills are to be developed because of that they become more dependent in using it. If they rely on the calculator, even the simple 1+1 will be solve using calculator.
According to Ediger (1997), when using paper and pencil, pupils have more time to deliberate in problem solving as compared with the use of calculator. Calculators provide the correct results if the user touches the proper keys. Pupils get frustrated if they see long answers and lastly, they preferred to use paper and pencil method when it comes to solve less complex problems.
5. Relationship between the Frequency of the Utilization of Modern Technology Gadgets in the Effective Learning of Mathematics
Table 6 shows the relationship between the frequency of the utilization of modern technology gadgets in the effective learning of mathematics. In this table it is also shows the variable, value, the decision and its verbal interpretation.

Table 6. Significant Relationship between the Frequency of the Utilization of Modern Technology Gadgets in the Effective Learning of Mathematics

Technology-Aided Teaching Strategies and the Frequency of their Uses And Effects of Utilizing Modern Technology Gadgets (computer and scientific calculator) in Learning Mathematics

r= 0.3824

Reject the null hypothesis

The frequency of using technology-aided teaching strategies relates to the effective learning of Mathematics.

The computed value of 0.3824 at 0.05 level of significance has a verbal interpretation of “moderately correlated” and therefore the hypothesis: there is no significant relationship between the frequency of the utilization of modern technology gadgets in the effective learning of mathematics, was rejected. Therefore, it could be said that the frequency of using technology-aided teaching strategies relates to the effective learning of Mathematics.
According to The National Council of Teachers in Mathematics in USA (2000), it says that technology can be used to learn mathematics, to do mathematics, and to communicate mathematical information and ideas. The Internet hosts a wealth of mathematical materials that are easily accessible through the use of search engines, creating additional avenues to enhance teaching and facilitate learning. Outside of class, students and faculty can pose problems and offer solutions through e-mail, chat rooms, or websites. Technology provides opportunities for educators to develop and nurture learning communities, embrace collaboration, provide community-based learning, and address diverse learning styles of students and teaching styles of teachers. The integration of appropriately used technology can enhance student understanding of mathematics through pattern recognition, connections, and dynamic visualizations. Electronic teaching activities can attract attention to the mathematics to be learned and promote the use of multiple methods. Learning can be enhanced with electronic questioning that engages students with technology in small groups and facilitates skills development through guided-discovery exercise sets. Using electronic devices for communication, all students can answer mathematics questions posed in class and instructors can have an instantaneous record of the answers given by each student. This immediate understanding of what students know, and don’t know, can direct the action of the instructor in the teaching session.
However, according to Cole (2002), technology helps students document the validity of their mathematical/critical thinking process, facilitating and enriching the learning processes and the development of problem-solving skills. The use of technology should be guided by consideration of what mathematics is to be learned, the ways students might learn it, the research related to successful practices, and the standards and recommendations recommended by professional organizations in education. Technology can be used by mathematics educators to enhance conceptual understanding through a comparison of verbal, numerical, symbolic, and graphical representations of the same problem.

This chapter presents the summary the findings, the conclusions and the recommendations of the study.
The researcher conducted this study to find out the perceived effects of utilizing modern technology gadgets in learning mathematics of fourth year high school students of First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities.
Specifically, this study sought answers to the following questions:
1. In what teaching strategies does the teacher utilize modern technology gadgets?
2. How often are these modern technology gadgets used?
3. How does the use of modern technology gadgets affect the respondents learning?
4. What are the perceived effects of using modern technology gadgets in learning mathematics?
5. Is there a significant relationship between the frequency of the utilization of modern technology gadgets in the effective learning of mathematics?
The study tested the null hypothesis of no relationship between the frequency of the utilization of modern technology gadgets in the effective learning of mathematics.
This study is limited to the responses of the one hundred two (102) fourth year high school students of First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities (FAITH) enrolled in Academic year 2008-2009. The population was identified through the use of proportional stratified random sampling. This study includes only two kinds of modern technology gadgets – computer and scientific calculator.
The descriptive method of research was used and a self-constructed, validated questionnaire served as the basic instrument in gathering data.
Slovin’s formula, weighted mean, composite mean and Pearson product moment correlation coefficient were the statistical treatments used to qualify the data.
After the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered, the researcher was able to come up with the following findings:
1. Teaching Strategy Utilizing Modern Technology Gadgets

Varied teaching strategy that utilizes modern technology gadgets were presented to the respondents as follows: (1) lecture method with power point presentation; (2) reporting with power point presentation; (3) independent research through the use of internet; (4) model-making through the use of related software; (5) computer hands-on activities; (6) problem solving with the use of scientific calculator; (7) cooperative learning with power point presentation; (8) use of graphic organizers in solving problems; (9) discussion with the use of power point presentation; (10) use of analogy (reasoning) with power point presentation; (11) discovery learning through the use of scientific calculators; and lastly, (12) guided discovery through the use of related software.
The abovementioned teaching strategies were assumed by the researcher to be utilized by the teacher in teaching mathematics as they are commonly used by the teachers in Mathematics across schools.

2. Frequency of Using Technology-Aided Teaching Strategy that Utilizes Modern Technology Gadgets

The three most commonly used teaching strategies used by the teachers in teaching Mathematics are: cooperative learning with power point presentation with a weighted mean of 3.14; second is reporting with power point presentation with a weighted mean of 3.15; and third is discussion with the use of power point presentation with a weighted mean of 3.21. All of them have a verbal interpretation, “often”.
On the other hand, the three least used technology – aided teaching strategies are the following: (a) discovery learning through the use of scientific calculators with a weighted mean of 2.69; (b) guided discovery through the use of related software with a weighted mean of 2.73; and (c) use of graphic organizers in solving problems with a weighted mean of 2.79. All of them have a verbal interpretation of “often”.
3. Effects of Utilizing Modern Technology Gadgets in Learning Mathematics
a. Effects of Utilizing Computer in Learning Mathematics
The teachers up three ways of presenting and/or teaching the lesson with the use of computer wherein the students can enhance their learning are the following: (a) having computer hands-on activities with a weighted mean of 2.85; (b) the teacher showing animation in the monitor which is related to the topic with a weighted mean of 2.93; and (c) the teacher uses power point presentation in presenting the lesson with a weighted mean of 3.22. All of them have a verbal interpretation of “much enhanced”.
On the other hand, the three least used in presenting and/or teaching the lesson with the use of computer wherein students can enhance their learning are the following: (a) the lectures sent to e-mail with a weighted mean of 2.22 which has the lowest score and verbal interpretation of “not so much enhance”; (b)working in groups on a particular problem when using computer with a weighted mean of 2.53; and (c) the teachers’ showing of some presentation related to the topic with a weighted mean of 2.77. The remaining two has a verbal interpretation of “much enhanced”.
b. Effects of Utilizing Scientific Calculator in Learning Mathematics
The up three ways of presenting and/or teaching the lesson with the use of scientific calculator wherein the students will enhance their learning are the following: (a) use scientific calculator in finding the factors of a given large number with a weighted mean of 3.11; (b) use scientific calculator in solving problems involving trigonometric functions with a weighted mean of 3.12; and (c) evaluate, press the keys and see the results on the display screen of the scientific calculator with a weighted mean of 3.12. All of them have a verbal interpretation of “much enhanced”.
On the other hand, the three least used in presenting and/or teaching the lesson with the use of scientific calculator with less effects on influence are the following (a) challenging classmate to a calculator game like in being the first to solve the problem and get the right answer with a weighted mean of 2.24 and has a verbal interpretation of “not so much enhanced”, then (b) the teacher encourages students to discover certain facts about numbers by themselves using scientific calculator with a weighted mean of 2.67 and lastly (c) learning how to minimize the number of keystrokes in solving problems with a weighted mean of 2.82. The last two have a verbal interpretation of “much enhanced”.

4. Effects of Using Modern Technology Gadgets in the Development of Students Skills

a. Effects of Using Computer in the Development of Students Skills
The up three behavior/skills mostly develop in learning mathematics with the use computer are as follows: (a) understanding the lesson easier with a verbal interpretation of 3.28; (b) enjoying learning while having fun with a weighted mean of 3.37; and (c) becoming attentive to learn new concepts with a weighted mean of 3.40. All of them have a verbal interpretation of “agree”.
However, the three behavior/skills least developed in learning mathematics with the use computer are the following: (a) becoming more receptive in the discussion with a weighted mean of 3.03; (b) becoming more participative in class discussion with a weighted mean of 3.05; and (c) visualizing the underlying principles of the topic with weighted mean of 3.21. All of them have a verbal interpretation of “agree”.
b. Effects of Using Scientific Calculator in the Development of Students Skills
The first three skills to be developed in learning mathematics with the use scientific calculator are the following: (a) skipping the step-by-step process on how to solve problems with a weighted mean of 3.32; (b) finding it easy to solve difficult problems with a weighted mean of 3.35; and (c) spending less time in solving large numbers with a weighted mean of 3.43. All of them have a verbal interpretation “agree”.
On the hand, the last three skills to be developed in learning mathematics with the use scientific calculator are the following: (a) reinforcing skills in computation with a weighted mean of 3.04, and then both (b) improving reasoning to a higher-level of thinking and (c) enhancing analytical thinking skills have a weighted mean of 3.07. All of them have a verbal interpretation of “agree”.
5. Significant Relationship Between the Frequency of the Utilization of Modern Technology Gadgets in the Effective Learning of Mathematics

The computed value of 0.3824 at 0.05 level of significance has a verbal interpretation of “moderately correlated” and therefore the hypothesis: there is no significant relationship between the frequency of the utilization of modern technology gadgets in the effective learning of mathematics, was rejected. Therefore, it could be said that the frequency of using technology-aided teaching strategies relates to the effective learning of Mathematics.
With the major findings of the study as bases, the researcher had drawn the following conclusions:
1. Mathematics teachers are using varied technology-aided teaching strategies.
2. Power point presentation is the most commonly used strategy in presenting lessons in Mathematics while the use of scientific calculators, graphic organizers and related software are the least utilized.
3. The use of power point presentation, computer hands-on activities and animations were found to enhance students learning in Mathematics while sending lectures to e-mail, working in groups on a particular problem and showing of some presentation related to the topic were found not that much to enhance students learning. On the other hand, when it comes to utilizing scientific calculators, finding the factors of a given large number, solving problems involving trigonometric functions and evaluating, pressing the keys and seeing the results on the display screen were found to enhance students learning in Mathematics while challenging classmate to a calculator game, encouraging students to discover certain facts about numbers by themselves, and learning how to minimize the number of keystrokes in solving problems, were found not that much to enhance students learning.
4. The use of computers help the students to understand the lesson easier, to learn with fun, and to become attentive to learn new concepts while being receptive and participative in class discussion, and helping to visualize the underlying principles of the topic with the use of computer do not help that much in the development of students’ skills. However, when it comes to the use of scientific calculator, it helps the students to skip the step-by-step process in solving, to find it easy to solve difficult problems, to spend less time in solving large numbers while reinforcing skills in computation, improving reasoning to a higher-level of thinking, and enhancing analytical thinking, when using scientific calculator do not help that much in the development of students’ skills.
5. The frequent use of modern technology gadgets enhances the students’ learning in Mathematics.
Based on the findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are offered:
1. Since it was found out that the students learn a lot in using the modern technology gadgets, the school should focus more on how to improve the learning of the students in terms of the utilization of modern technology gadgets (computer and scientific calculator) in learning Mathematics by providing many activities involving the use of modern technology gadgets.
2. As concluded, the frequency of utilizing varied technology-aided teaching strategies has an effect to the learning of the students, the Mathematics teacher should use different kinds of technology-aided teaching strategy which can lead the students to fully develop their skills and knowledge by being flexible enough in dealing with the students.
3. Since the study confirmed that there is a significant relationship between the frequency of utilizing modern technology gadgets and the learning of Mathematics, frequency of using technology-aided teaching strategy that utilizes modern technology gadgets should be based on the needs of the students which capture their interest towards the development of their knowledge and skills.

A. Books

Bilbao, Purita,, The Teaching Profession. Cubao, Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Co., Inc. 2006

De Leon, Cecille. Integrated Mathematics IV. Sta. Mesa, Quezon City: Vibal Publishing House, Inc. 2000

Ediger, Marlow. Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary School, Kirksville, Missouri: Simpson Publishing. 1997

Ediger, Marlow. Teaching Mathematics Successfully. Kirsksville, Missouri, U.S.A: Simpson Publishing Company. 1997

Fabra, Norberto. Elementary Statistics for Secondary Schools. Las Pinas, Metor Manila: Fabra, N. F. Educational Books. 1979

Gagne, Robert (1985), The Conditioning of Learning and Theory of Instruction, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winstonbrain teaser gamesmarble popper gamespc game downloadsmanagement gamescard gameshidden object gamessimulation gamesaction gamesmatch 3 games

Goldstein, I. (1947). Training: Program Development and Evaluation. Monterey, California: Brooks/Cole.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Principles and standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: Author. 2000.

Norton, Mary. Math Power I. Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A: World Book Inc. 1995

Papert, S.(1980). Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas. Basic Books, New York

Salandanan, Gloria,, The Teaching of Science and Health, Mathematics, and Home Economics and Practical Arts. Quezon City: Katha Publishing Co., Inc. 1996

Zulueta, Francisco. Principles and Methods of Teaching. Mandaluyong City: National Bookstore. 2006

B. Unpublished Thesis

Acuna, Shirley,, Perceived Influence of Rock Music to the Behavior of Third Year High School Students of San Pascual National High School. Batangas State University, Batangas City. 2003

C. Journals
Sammons, Martha C. (1995). Students Assess Computer-Aided Classroom Presentations, T.H.E. Journal 22 (May 1995): 66-69.
D. Electronic Data

Developing Mathematical skills (Loughborough University)
(Website: Date Retrieved: July 16, 2008

Glossary of Mathematics Teaching Strategies
MathGlossaryHandout.pdf) Date Retrieved: June 22, 2008

Implementation Standard: Instruction with Technology
Date Retrieved: August 2, 2008

PowerPoint Presentations: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
(Website: comparative_politics/) Date Retrieved: September 24, 2008
Ray, Susan (2000). The Use of Calculators Gets at the Heart of Good Teaching. Louisville, KY (Website:
Date Retrieved: September 24, 2008

Setzer, Valdemar W. (2000). Computers in Education: A Review of Arguments for the Use of Computers in Elementary Education
Date Retrieved: August 3, 2008

Stiles, Mark (2002). Computers In Teaching And Learning.
(Website: Date Retrieved: October 2, 2008

Suber (2008). Importance of Notetaking.
Date Retrieved: September 26, 2008

Teaching with Computers in Education
Date Retrieved: October 1, 2008
Appendix A
Letter of Request

First Asia Institute
Of Technology and Humanities

August 12, 2008

First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities Unified School



The undersigned BS Secondary Education major in Mathematics student from College of Education is currently undergoing a research entitled, “Perceived Effects of the Utilization of Modern Technology Gadgets in Learning Mathematics of Fourth Year High School students of First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities.

In view of this, may I request for your approval to allow me distribute my questionnaire to the fourth year students of your institution.

Rest assured that the data and information that will be generated from this study will be utilized solely for academic purposes.

I’m hoping for your usual kind consideration.

Thank you!

Respectfully yours,


Thesis Adviser

Dean, College of Education

Approved by:


Appendix B
Cover Letter

First Asia Institute
Of Technology and Humanities

August 12, 2008

Dear Respondents,


The undersigned BS Secondary Education major in Mathematics student from College of Education is presently conducting a research entitled, “Perceived Effects of the Utilization of Modern Technology Gadgets in Learning Mathematics of Fourth Year High School students of First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities.

In connection with this, may I request for your honest response to the attached questionnaire? This intends to gather information that would greatly enhance the quality of my study. Please do not leave any items unanswered. Rest assured that any information you will give will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Respectfully yours,


Noted by:

Thesis Adviser

Dean, College of Education

Appendix C


Name: _(optional)________________ Year &Section: __________

General Directions: Please accomplish the questionnaire very carefully and honestly. Rest assured that any information you will give will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

PART I: Technology-Aided Teaching Strategies and the Frequency of their Uses
Directions: Encircle the number that corresponds to the frequency of the use of such teaching strategy.

Always Often Sometimes Never
1. Lecture method with power 4 3 2 1
point presentation
2. Reporting with power 4 3 2 1
point presentation
3. Independent research through 4 3 2 1
the use of internet
4. Model-making through the 4 3 2 1
use of related software
5. Computer hands-on activities 4 3 2 1
6. Problem solving with scientific 4 3 2 1
7. Cooperative learning with power 4 3 2 1
point presentation
8. Use of graphic organizers in 4 3 2 1
solving problems
9. Discussion with the use of 4 3 2 1
power point presentation
10. Use of analogy (reasoning) with 4 3 2 1
the use of power point presentation
11. Discovery learning through the 4 3 2 1
use of scientific calculator
12. Guided discovery through the 4 3 2 1
use of related software

PART II: Effects of Utilizing Modern Technology in Learning Mathematics
Directions: Below are the possible effects in learning aided by modern technology. Using the scale, encircle the number that corresponds to your answer:
4- Very much 2- Not so much
3-Much 1- Not at all


My learning is enhanced when…
the teacher uses power point 4 3 2 1
presentation in presenting the
2. the teacher shows animation 4 3 2 1
related to the topic in the monitor.
3. the teacher gives an independent 4 3 2 1
research work using the internet.
4. we work in groups on a particular 4 3 2 1
problem when using computer.
5. the lectures of my teacher were sent 4 3 2 1
to my e-mail.
6. the teacher shows some video 4 3 2 1
presentation related to our topic.
7. we always have computer hands-on 4 3 2 1

Scientific Calculator

My learning is enhanced when…
1. I use scientific calculator in solving 4 3 2 1
problems involving trigonometric
2. I evaluate, press the keys and see 4 3 2 1
the results on the display screen of the
scientific calculator.
3. the teacher encourages me to discover 4 3 2 1
by myself certain facts about numbers
using scientific calculator.
4. I challenge my classmate to a calculator 4 3 2 1
game like in being the first to solve
the problem and get the right answer.
5. I learn how to minimize the number 4 3 2 1
of keystrokes in solving problems.
6. I use scientific calculator in finding 4 3 2 1
the factors of a given large number.
7. I use scientific calculator in doing my 4 3 2 1
PART III: Effects of Using Modern Technology Gadgets in the Development of Students Skills
Directions: Below are the possible effects in learning which is aided by modern technology. Using the scale, encircle the number that corresponds to your answer:
4- Strongly Agree 2- Disagree
3-Agree 4- Strongly Disagree


By using computers…
1. I become attentive to learn 4 3 2 1
new concepts.
2. I understand the lesson easier. 4 3 2 1
3. I can visualize the underlying 4 3 2 1
principles of the topic.
4. I become more participative in 4 3 2 1
class discussion.
5. I learn while having fun. 4 3 2 1
6. I become interactive in group 4 3 2 1
7. I am more receptive in the discussion. 4 3 2 1

Scientific Calculator

By using scientific calculator…
1. I develop my skills in solving 4 3 2 1
2. I reinforce my skills in computation. 4 3 2 1
3. I improve my reasoning to a 4 3 2 1
higher-level of thinking.
4. I enhance my analytical thinking skills. 4 3 2 1
5. I spend less time in solving large 4 3 2 1
6. I can skip the step-by-step process 4 3 2 1
on how to solve problems.
7. I find it easy to solve difficult 4 3 2 1

Appendix D
Tallied Data

PART I: Technology-Aided Teaching Strategies and the Frequency of their Uses.

Item Number

PART II: Effects of Utilizing Modern Technology in Learning Mathematics.

a. Effects of Utilizing Computer in Learning Mathematics

Item Number
Very Much
Not Satisfactorily

b. Effects of Utilizing Scientific Calculator in Learning Mathematics

Item Number
Very Much
Not Satisfactorily
PART III: Effects of Using Modern Technology Gadgets in the Development of Students Skills.

a. Effects of Using Computer Gadgets in the Development of Students Skills.

Item Number
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree

b. Effects of Using Scientific Calculator Gadgets in the Development of Students Skills.

Item Number
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree



151 San Felix, Sto. Tomas, Batangas


Nickname : Marvel
Birthday : April 20, 1988
Age : 20
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Height : 5’ 5”
Weight : 110 lbs.
Father : Mario Caponpon Niem
Mother : Maria Manipol Niem
Address : 151 San Felix, Sto. Tomas, Batangas


2005 –2009
Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education
Major in Mathematics
First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities
2 Pres. Laurel Hi-way, Darasa, Tanauan City, Batangas


St. Thomas Academy
Poblacion 3, Sto. Tomas, Batangas


Sto. Tomas Central School
Poblacion 4, Sto. Tomas, Batangas

San Felix Elementary School
San Felix, Sto. Tomas, Batangas

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